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Perl tk canvas example

24 Mar 15 - 20:24

Perl tk canvas example

Link: Download Perl tk canvas example

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Jump to EXAMPLE 3 - ^. #!/usr/bin/perl -w # # A more complicated example of Tk::Canvas::Draw, this program gives # the user more flexibility in choosing

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Canvas: Part of a Modern Tk Tutorial for Tcl, Ruby, Python and Perl. What we will do is take a fairly simple example (a freehand sketching tool) and The Canvas widget is used mainly for drawing items such as arcs, lines, rectangles, circles, Here are some examples of how you can use a Canvas widget:. One of the more extensive and widely used widgets in Perl/Tk is the canvas strict; use warnings; my $mw = MainWindow->new; $mw->title('Canvas Example');

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Here are some examples of the -extent option: # This draws half of an oval $canvas->createArc(0,0,100,150, -extent => 180); # This will draw 3/4 of an oval Tk::Canvas - Create and manipulate Canvas widgets For example, a particular callback may be associated with the <Button-1> event so that the callback is Using Canvas, Message, Adjuster or Scrolled widget in Perl/Tk. For more information read the manual. Example #!/usr/local/bin/perl use Tk; # Main Window Apr 29, 2008 - Any graphical object in the Perl/Tk module can be considered a widget. When you think of .. An example of the Canvas widget. An example of Wie in HTML5 gibt es auch fur Perl/Tk eine Canvas. use utf8;; use Tk;; use Tk::Canvas;; =comment; Canvas-Demo: zeigt den Hover-Effekt fur eine Form.Drawing graphics on a canvas with Perl/Tk - Perl example. Perl/Tk example from a Well House Consultants training course. More on Perl/Tk [link].

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